What we do is not different.
How we do it, is.


It’s no secret that the cornerstone of the professional cleaning industry is the cleaners themselves. Our ability to hire, train, and retain dictates our success.

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First, we find the best people.


We thoroughly vet candidates based on their qualifications and experience. All K.A.S. employees must pass a criminal background check.


Our dedicated building managers, who have a minimum of 10 years experience, provide hands on thorough training in industry best practice cleaning procedures. These include trainings on the specifics of your facility and business needs.


In addition to competitive wages and incentives for our cleaners, we invest in innovative mobile technology to enhance team engagement, communication and accountability.


Then, we make sure they succeed.


We provide our cleaners with top of the line equipment specific to their role. This allows them to work comfortably, efficiently and most importantly, safely. Our mobile application greatly enhances team communication and provides ongoing updates regarding any customer issues or requests in real-time.


Unlike other companies, we are continually evaluating the quality of our cleaning personnel and providing feedback to help them improve. The performance of any new cleaner is carefully evaluated over their first 30 day trial period. Depending on the job, all employees are subject to quarterly, semi-annual, or annual reviews.


In addition to fixed monthly compensation, we incentivize and reward our cleaners based on job performance and client satisfaction.


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